Following the business of TRM and after everybody else on the retinue has been released from service (except the Warlord, Blue Iris, Queen's Champion and King's Champion), the King will indicate to the Herald that the Coronation may begin.


HERALD:  Her Majesty calls forward ____________________.  [White Scarf].


QUEEN :  ____________________,

My time as the Patroness of your order

has come to an end.

Please deliver this to Our Heirs,

that They might know this honor.


WHITE SCARF: (own words or)

It would be my pleasure

to serve You this last time,

Your Majesty.


White Scarf is dismissed.


HERALD:  Their Majesties call into the Royal Presence

Their Warlord, __________________.


KING:  (Thanks______________ for his work as Warlord)


WARLORD:  (Any appropriate words he has for TRM, and hands Thunderhead to His Majesty.)





Selected Peers in precedence of their orders shall be called forth to receive the other regalia.


HERALD:  Their Majesties call into the Royal presence


____________________, Knight of the Society


____________________, [Master/Mistress] of the Laurel


____________________, [Master/Mistress] of the Pelican,


and ____________________ , Lady of the Rose


The peers kneel before the thrones.  Queen rises to join the King.


King delivers Thunderhead into the keeping of the representative of the Chivalry.


KING:  ____________________,

We do entrust into your noble hands


The Great Axe,

ancient symbol of the Outlands.

Guard him well, as you have ever guarded

our traditions and lore,

that you may deliver him

into the hands of our rightful heirs

that they may use him to maintain

the rights and prerogatives of the Outlands.


The Chivalry representative rises and moves to stand on the far end of the dais on the Queens' side.


Queen delivers the Royal Scepters into the keeping of the Companion of the Order of the Laurel.


QUEEN:  ____________________,

We do entrust into your noble hands

the Scepters Royal of the Realm.

Maintain it well, as you have ever maintained

the gentle arts and needful sciences,

that you may deliver them

into the hands of our rightful heirs,

that they may use them

to nourish the growth of chivalry and virtue

in the Outlands.


The Laurel representative rises and moves to stand next to the Chivalry representative on the Queens' side


King shall deliver the signet rings and the great seal of state, into the keeping of the Companion of the Order of the Pelican:


KING:  ____________________,

We give into your keeping

the signets of the realm

and the great seal of state,

the symbols of Our justice and equity.

maintain them well,

that you may deliver them

into the hands of Our rightful heirs

that they may use them

to endorse their wise judgements

for the good of the Outlands.


The Pelican representative rises and moves to stand on the far end of the dais on the King's side


King shall speak to the Companion of the Order of the Rose.


KING:  ____________________,

Rise and wait at Our side to receive the Queen's crown


The Order of the Rose representative rises and moves to stand next to the Pelican representative on the King's side.


HERALD (Not Blue Iris - White Stag or Gimlet)

Let _____________________, Blue Iris Herald, come before the Court


BLUE IRIS:  (Removes his tabard and says whatever words he would like to the Queen)


QUEEN:  (Says whatever she would like in response, releasing him from service.)


HERALD:  Let the Queen's Champion,  _______________________, come before this Court and Company.


Queen's Champion shall come to kneel before the thrones and removes his tabard.


QUEEN'S CHAMPION: (to the Queen, his own words or…)

Your Majesty, It has been my great honor

to serve so gracious a queen.

I return my tabard into your Royal hand

from whence it came.


QUEEN: (Her own words, or....)


you have served me well

throughout my reign

and it is with a sad heart

I must let you go.

Be as true for all time

as you have been true with me.


KING:  Attend Us, My Champion, ______________________.


The King's Champion shall come to kneel before the thrones and presents King with Lightning, sheathed.  King takes Lightning from His Champion.



even to this day

you have served Us well.

In all ways,

you have stood at Our side,

never failing.

Serve Us once more.


We do entrust into your noble hands

The Sword of State, Lightning,

The symbol of

Our just might and force of arms.

Guard him well,

as you have ever guarded

Our name and honor,

that you may deliver him

into the hands of Our rightful heirs,

that they may use him

to defend the Outlands.


King's Champion shall accept the sword with what personal remarks he may, and

rising shall go to stand at the far end of the other peers/regalia.


KING (to the Queen): 

Your Royal Majesty,

return now to us your crown,

knowing that its return

is right and honorable,

and represents a responsibility well fulfilled

and finally set aside.


The Queen kneels to the King and, assisted by her ladies,

removes her crown and places it into the King's hands, and remains kneeling.


King hands the Queen's crown to the Lady of the Rose without comment.


King helps his lady rise.


KING (to his Lady):

We will join you in a moment,

but there is one last duty

We must perform.


Lady leaves the dais, escorted by _____________ (former champion?).





KING (to herald at the back of the hall):

        Herald, speak the names of all the Outlands' Kings,

        that their spirits may be in this hall tonight with us .



Gunwaldt, the first Crowned among us

Johann, who thrice ruled this land

Artan, five times worthy king

Hagen, our kingdom's first knight

Christopher, ruler of kingdoms three

Leif, twice King, who in Caid dwells

Irel, who bound lands together

Olaf, horseman, hale and noble

Cyrred, as strong as the steel

Vagn, pure, steadfast and true

Hrothgar, of grace and of virtue

Torin, the speaker of legends

Lycurgus, foreign born, Outlands made

Cameron, whose words moved our hearts

Maelgwn, iron-handed tartan warrior

Martino, valiant and bold,

Kynan, ________________,

Ceasan, ________________,

_______________________, whose glory is upon us


(If the above isn't done, then have the herald say the following:)

Herald:  Your Royal Majesty, Your Heir is here to take his rightful place in Outlands history.


King:  Call him forward.


And this day comes ..


His Most Royal and Serene Highness, _______________________,

Crown Prince of the Outlands and Dread Lord of all Argonia.

(all other awards and titles, too, if desired)


Herald bows and moves toward the King’s side so that the Prince can kneel.


HERALD:  His Majesty wishes the populace to be seated.


When people sit and it’s quiet:


PRINCE’S HERALD :  Now comes His Royal Highness

to claim the Stag Crown,

which he has won for the honor of his lady,

and to be invested in that high degree

which his victory has earned him.


KING:  We, _______________________,

by right of arms King of the Outlands,

having recognized this gentle man

as Our sole and legitimate heir,

are resolved to crown him

as Our successor to the Throne.


King removes his crown and extends it to the Prince.

ROYAL PEERS, BARONS, ANYONE with CORONETS (except out of kingdom visitors),





KING:  Your Royal Highness,

If you would be King of the Outlands,

place your hands upon this Crown

and swear the words which bind you to your duty.


PRINCE:  I, _______________________,

by this Crown swear

to administer justice within all my lands,

and amongst all my subjects,

I swear to endeavor to rule wisely,

sparing no effort to fulfill my duties as King.

I swear to defend the principles of chivalry

and to guard always that my peers remain honourable

I swear to reward loyalty with gratitude,

fealty with honour,

and oath-breaking with vengeance.


KING:  We, _______________________,

by right of arms King of the Outlands

do hear your words

and accept your solemn oath.

We crown you, _______________________,

by right of arms, King of the Outlands.



 at the moment He is crowned.


HERALD:   Outlands, Behold your King!


Former King retires from court.




After the former King has fully departed the assembly,

the King's Champion comes before the Crown with Lightning, sheathed and borne in both

hands, and waits to be recognized


HERALD:  His Majesty wishes the populace to be seated.


HERALD:  __________________, why do you stand before this court


CHAMPION TO HERALD:  I am sworn to give this sword only to the one true heir of King _______________________.


CHAMPION TO KING:  I have witnessed this ceremony and recognize you, _______________________, as King of the Outlands. 

Into Your Majesty’s hands I now deliver Lightning, the Sword of

the Outlands.  It is a symbol of swift justice.  Wield it with wisdom and



KING:  This shall We do.

_______________, serve Us as you served Our predecessor.

I call on you to bring Our lady here,

that we may make her Queen of all Our lands


Champion goes to the back of the hall to escort Princess ______________________ into Court.








Your Majesty, Since the founding of this great kingdom there have been many

noble rulers of this land.  These are the ladies who inspired our Great


There was

AElflaed, crown-ed with wisdom

Kathryn, in service steadfast

Tara, first Duchess of these lands

Beatrix, generous in the end

Cymber, fierce fighter yet gentle

Layla, who dances through sands

Ishtar, of Promise and growth

Aziza, thrice gentle queen

Monika, nurturing and strong

Tess, of purpose and will

Jeanne, who travelled our lands

Morgana, who Graces the South

Elisheva, who welcomed the new

Thora, with tresses of firelight

Madigan, of sweet grace and poise

Ileana, whose smile brought joy

Mikhailina, bringer of beauty

AnneAliz, rose without thorns

Lillian, from the land of three seas

Aindrea, first White Scarf Queen

Eleanor, whose eyes danced in the moonlight

Vanna, whose whisper made hearts glad


and now here before you comes.....



Her Most Royal Highness ______________________,

Crown Princess of the Outlands and Princess of all Argonia

(All other awards and titles, too, if desired.)


Princess comes to kneel before King.


KING:  _________________________, We thank you for this service done to Us.


HERALD:  to the populace - if they have gotten up

His Majesty wishes you to be seated.


The Queen’s Crown shall be given into His Majesty’s hands by the Lady of the Rose.

The representative returns to the place off the King’s side of the dais


KING :  Your Royal Highness,

if you would be Queen of the Outlands,

place your hands upon this Crown

and swear the words

which bind you to your duty.


PRINCESS:  I, ______________________,

on this Crown

do swear to maintain myself

in a courtly manner,

as befits a Queen,

being always an inspiration

of grace and chivalry

to all my subjects,

and to be just in all matters,

rendering faithful counsel to my King.


KING:  We, _______________________,

by right of arms

King of the Outlands,

do hear your words

and accept your solemn oath.

We crown you, ______________________,

by grace and favor,

Queen of the Outlands.


HERALD:  Outlands, Behold your Queen!

PEOPLE:  (cheer)





HERALD:  Let ___________________________

come before Her Majesty the Queen.


QUEEN:  _________________________,

It shall please me

if you have resolved to accept

the office and style of Blue Iris Herald,

to serve as my personal Herald.



It would do me honour to wait upon

Your Majesty’s Grace.


QUEEN:  With this tabard, bearing my Royal Arms,

I do invest you and create you

Blue Iris Herald.

Remember always the good works and gracious bearing

of Mistress Keridwyn of Montrose,

the first White Stag Principal Herald,

from whose arms has your title of honour been derived.


Blue Iris shall rise and go to stand behind the Queen’s Throne.




Their Majesties arrange themselves upon the Thrones.

Retainers move behind the thrones.


IF people have stood up again:

HERALD (Blue Iris takes over?):

It is Their Majesties’ wish

that the people of Their Court might seat themselves


The investiture with the REGALIA


HERALD:  Your Majesties,

Representatives of the Order of the Chivalry, symbolizing Outlands' history;

the Order of the Laurel, representing the Arts,

and of the Order of the Pelican, standing for Justice,

await Your pleasure:


KING:  We shall receive them now.


The three peers shall come to kneel before the Thrones.



CHIVALRY [____________________]:        (HISTORY)

I give into Your Majesty’s royal hands Thunderhead,

Which axe has been held by every king

and by every Prince of the Outlands, back unto the ancient days.

The traditions of the Outlands live in Thunderhead,

but not there alone, for Your Majesties have those among you

whose tongues can speak the ancient lore of the Outlands.

May you proudly maintain the best traditions of the Outlands,

to take an honored place in the history of this ancient land.



LAUREL [____________________]:            (ARTS)

May it please Your Majesties to claim the Sceptres Royal,

The symbols of Your Majesties’ authority.

May your royal power and sovereignty

bring peace and joy to your people.

In such days may arts and learning flourish so abundantly,

that all that Your Majesties see and hear may be pleasing to you.



PELICAN [____________________]:           (JUSTICE)

May it please your Majesties

to accept the Royal Signets and the Great Seal of the Outlands,

the symbols of the Crown’s justice.

May Your Majesties wisely judge your people,

defending the weak and upholding the good,

that your Royal virtues may be praised

throughout the Outlands and to the ends of the earth.



Their Majesties accept the regalia as it is offered.  They

address what personal remarks they may to the peers as they rise to leave

the presence.  After the three have spoken, all four representatives exit





HERALD:  Their Majesties call before them,  ______________________________.


KING:  _____________________________,

your wisdom, courtesy and valor

have secured for you an honored place

as Our champion and Our man.

We give into your keeping Lightning

which has been since the dawn of time the Sword of Kings.

Guard him well, as may you ever guard

Our name and honour!


KING’S CHAMPION:  [Can write his own speech.]


Here end the formal Rites of Coronation.




HERALD:  Their Majesties call forward _______________________.


KING:  Your skill at arms

has won you a place at Our side

Our Warlord.  It would please Us

for you to carry Thunderhead in Our court.


WARLORD: [may respond with what remarks he would like to make]

Warlord joins the court




HERALD:  Let the Knights of the Realm

come to their King

that their oaths of fealty may be heard.


KNIGHTS:  This day do I render homage and fealty

To my Sovereign Lord and Lady,

_______________________ and ______________________,

by right of arms, and grace and favor,

King and Queen of the Outlands

who will from this day forward

be my Liege Lord and Lady.

This do I swear upon my Lord’s own sword,

and by my belt, my chain and my honor.

So say I, _________________________


KING:  We hear your oaths and accept your fealty

and do pledge to you

that We will protect you

and defend your rights

with all justice and honour.

[sword up]


QUEEN:  Be ever mindful of your Knightly vow

which compels you to defend the honour of ladies

and those weaker than yourselves.


KING:  We thank you for your duty.


The knights rise, bow, retire from the court.




HERALD:  Let those Masters and Mistresses of the Order of the Laurel

who would have their oaths of fealty heard,

come now before this court.


LAURELS:  This day do I render homage and fealty

to my Sovereign Lord and Lady,

_______________________ and ______________________,

by right of arms, and grace and favor,

King and Queen of the Outlands,

who will from this day forward be

my Liege Lord and Lady.

This do I swear upon my peerage,

upon this sword and upon my honor.

So say I, ________________________.


KING:  We hear your oaths and accept your fealty

and do pledge to you that we shall protect

the trust you have placed in Us

and defend your rights as Peers

with all justice and honour.


QUEEN:  Be ever mindful of those who look to you

as friends and teachers of the arts and sciences,

rewarding their trust with good works.


KING:  Your work enriches Our realm, for which we thank you.


The Laurels bow, rise, and retire from court.




HERALD:  Let those Masters and Mistresses of the Order of the Pelican

who would have their oaths of fealty heard, come now before this court.


PELICANS:  This day do I render homage and fealty

to my Sovereign Lord and Lady,

_______________________ and ______________________,

by right of arms, and grace and favor,

King and Queen of the Outlands,

who will from this day forward be

my Liege Lord and Lady.

This do I swear upon my peerage,

upon this sword and upon my honor.

So say I, _____________________.


KING:  We hear your oaths and accept your fealty

and do pledge to you that we shall protect

the trust you have placed in Us

and defend your rights as Peers

with all justice and honour.


QUEEN:  Be ever mindful of those who look to you

as models of industry and fruitful labor,

encouraging their diligence by your own constant example.


KING:  Our tasks shall be easier with your help.


The Pelicans rise, bow, and retire from court.




Each baron/baroness removes his/her coronet and presents it to the King or

Queen, who ask them to support the coronet and swear the oath which can be

made particular to each barony--


HERALD:  It pleases their Royal Majesties to call before them (Do not call the ones who aren't in attendance)

______________________________, Baron and Baroness of Caerthe

______________________________, Baron and Baroness of al-Barran

______________________________, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine

______________________________, Baron and Baroness of The Citadel of the Southern Pass

______________________________, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen



This day do I render homage and fealty for my lands.

I swear to deal justly and honourably

with all my subjects, whatever their degree,

to protect my barony from all harm,

and to rule my lands wisely

in the name of the Crown.

This do I swear upon the dignity of my coronet,

upon this sword,

and upon my honour.

So say I, _________

Baron/Baroness of __________________________


KING:  We hear your oaths and accept your fealty

and do pledge to you that We will protect your lands

and defend your rights and those of Our subjects

with all justice and honour.


Barons and Baronesses rise, bow, and retire from court.




HERALD:  Let those Dukes and Duchesses,

Counts and Countesses,

Viscounts and Viscountesses,

who would have their oaths of fealty heard,

come now before this court.


ROYAL PEERS:  This day do I render homage and fealty

to my Sovereign Lord and Lady,

_______________________ and ______________________,

by right of arms, and grace and favor,

King and Queen of the Outlands,

who will from this day forward be

my Liege Lord and Lady.

This do I swear upon the dignity of my coronet,

upon this sword and upon my honor.

So say I, _______________________.


KING:  We hear your oaths and accept your fealty

and do pledge to you that we shall protect

the trust you have placed in Us

and defend your rights as Peers

with all justice and honour.


QUEEN:  We shall hold your example before us.


Royal Peers rise, bow, retire from Court.






HERALD:  Let those Outlanders who yet wish to swear fealty

come now before this court.


POPULACE:  This day do I render homage and fealty

to my Sovereign Lord and Lady,

_______________________ and ______________________,

by right of arms, and grace and favor,

King and Queen of the Outlands,

who will from this day forward be

my Liege Lord and Lady.

This do I swear upon this sword and upon my honor.

So say I, ___________________.


KING:  We hear your oaths and accept your fealty

and do pledge to you that we shall protect

and defend you with all justice and honour.


QUEEN:  We shall have need of such good people as you.



The CONFIRMATION of the Great Officers of State



HERALD:                    (don’t name the ones that aren’t here)

Now shall come before the thrones, the Great Officers of State:

The Seneschal of the Outlands, ____________________________

The White Stag Principal Herald, _________________________

The Earl Marshal, _______________________

The Minister of Arts and Sciences, _____________________________

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, ____________________________

The Chronicler, _________________________

The Chirurgeon, __________________________


KING:  You have served the Outlands well as true servants in counsel.

It is Our will to confirm you in your several offices,

if you will swear to serve Us well and faithfully.


OFFICERS:  This day do I swear to serve the Crown and Kingdom of the Outlands

to uphold the laws of this land,

and to render faithful service to Your Majesties

and to Your subjects, that the Outlands may prosper.

This do I swear upon this sword and upon my honor.

So say I, _______________________.


KING:  We accept your oaths

and pledge to you that We will support your offices

and honor your service, as you minister in Our names.


QUEEN:  Be ever mindful that you serve us best

by serving the needs of our people.



KING (to the populace):  Good people all:  These are Our officers.

They speak and act on Our authority.

Lawful and reasonable requests and instructions of these Our officers

are to be obeyed by all Our subjects, whatever their degree.

To disregard them, would be to disregard the Crown.

When you help Our officers, you help the Outlands.


KING (to the officers):  Good Ministers, go now and serve Us well.




KING:  We place great trust in Our officers,

and in those noble men and women to whom Our baronies are entrusted,

but baronies are not the only strongholds of the Kingdom.

Into the keeping of honored seneschals

do we place Our many shires.


HERALD:  The Crown calls before them the Seneschals of Their Shires,

            and of the College of Saint Golias:


(Remove any groups not in attendance if known)


___________________________, of Nahrun Kabirun

___________________________, of Caer Galen

___________________________, of St. Golias

___________________________, of Caer Mithin Halle

___________________________, of Windkeep

___________________________, of Fontaine dans Sable

___________________________, of White Mountain

___________________________, of Aarquelle

___________________________, of Drygestan

___________________________, of Scorpions Hollow

___________________________, of Duthaich Beinne Aird

___________________________, of Gleann Medonach

___________________________, of Plattefordham

___________________________, of Hinterland

___________________________, of Loch Thioram

___________________________, of Kahlland



SENESCHALS:  This day do I swear to serve

the Crown of the Outlands,

upholding the laws

and promoting peace and prosperity.

I shall be ever mindful

that my shire’s welfare and good name

are given into my keeping by the Crown.

So say I, _________________, 

Seneschal of _______________.


KING:  We for Our part accept your solemn oath(s),

and pledge to you the protection of the Crown

and the support of Our officers.


sword up


KING (to the seneschals):  Keep Our lands and people well,

and in Our names treat fairly all those

with whom you deal.


KING (to the people):  We will and firmly order

all Our subjects, of every degree,

to show unto these

Our seneschals honor and respect

so long as they shall serve the Outlands as faithful vassals,

rendering counsel to Our officers

and keeping peace and order

amongst Our subjects in their shires.

Faithful service to the Outlands

shall be praised and honored.





HERALD to Queen:  Your Majesty, ___________________ [White Scarf]

has business in Your court.


White Scarf approaches Court and kneels in front of Her Majesty.


WHITE SCARF: [own words or:]  Your Majesty,

the Order of the White Scarf

is honored to have you as our patroness.

On behalf of my order,

I present to you this token,

in hopes that you will honor us

by wearing the symbol of our order.


QUEEN: [own words or:]  It would be my pleasure to honor your order in this way.



You have Her Majesty’s leave to depart


Queen's Guard and ladies-in-waiting can be invested here at the Crown’s discretion





Long Live the King

Long Live the Queen

Long Live the Outlands
