Words from the Gimlet Herald:
Gimlet Herald is the heraldic officer for ceremonies and protocol. If you have questions or concerns regarding these things, please feel free to contact me at: gimlet@outlandsheralds.org
Countess Ansteys Darcy
Gimlet Herald
Book of Ceremonies of the Kingdom of the Outlands (collected)
Outlands Book of Ceremonies [Adobe pdf format]
Outlands Book of Ceremonies [Microsoft Word .doc/x format]
Resources for ceremony construction (by Maistre Louis-Philippe Mitouard, Catspaw Herald Extraordinary)
On being offered a peerage in the Outlands (by Maistre Louis-Philippe Mitouard, Catspaw Herald Extraordinary)
On Wearing Circlets in the Outlands (by Duke Artan macAilin, Black Elk Herald Extraordinary)
Past Gimlets
Countess AElflaed of Duckford
Master Erasimierz Waspanieski, Greyraven
Master Hagar the Black
Mistress Matilda Seton
Master Juan Balthazar Tegero
Earl Cathyn Fitzgerald
Mistress Ansteys Darcy
Master Duncan Alastair MacRae
(Last updated 26 June 2021)